1 Aug
Is it too late now to say..
What a way to start off this month's MiM, huh?
The backstory is that Marc and I were upset at each other over something that happened.
More specifically, I was upset at him for something that he did the day before this and told him off for it. Then, the next day, I ended up doing the same thing that I told him off for doing, which obviously made him upset.
So silly.
But it's nothing his favourite Snickers, a blue sticky note of "sorry" and a genuine apology cannot fix.
Also, this is proof that as much as these MiMs are somewhat showcased as highlight reels, these are real moments of real things that happen in my life. And this is also proof to show that Marc and I are not perfect either.
3 Aug
I am still a child
I took this photo to remember this moment by. |
Kenji, Ben and I bought the tickets for The First Purge and headed towards the escalator at TGV at Jaya Shopping Centre.
"How old is she?" the cinema worker pointed at me.
The two boys looked at me, and looked back at him.
"I'm 18," I replied, as a matter-of-factly.
He paused.
"Can I see some ID please?"
Man, for all the R rated movies I've watched in the cinema, never once have I been asked for my IC. But I guess standing between Ben and Kenji made me look smaller than I already am, so he must've thought that I was a kid.
"Ah, okay. You've got a baby face. Take it as a compliment," the man said.
The three of us laughed the kind of laugh you let out when adults make comments that you don't know how to respond to and went on to watch the movie.
4 Aug
Mayang boys
Mayang boys
Now, I don't remember the exact conversation that led to this, but the boys somehow managed to convince me to join them at Mayang. And well, let's just say that this was not the last time we paid this place a visit.
6 Aug
A new driver in town. |
Jie passed his driving test! So, we decided to head to our family favourite burger place, KGB, for a celebratory dinner.
It's been 4 months since and I can't believe I still haven't experienced his driving firsthand. I also can't believe that the baby in the house can finally drive, which makes him much less of a baby. But then again, he's been driving me crazy ever since he came into our lives, so I guess he's sorta experienced.
Killer Gourmet Burger (KGB)
107, Jalan Aminuddin Baki,
Taman Tun Dr Ismail,
60000 Kuala Lumpur.
7 Aug
Boardgame(s) Night
Politiko, peanuts and a whole lot of friendship-breaking decisions.
It was my first boardgames night at Iza's house with Jun Wen, Cherie, Yen Jo and Marc. I say boardgames night, but really, we only managed to play one round of Politiko. For some reason (cough), the six of us took two whole hours to finish just one round, and by then Marc and I had to head back already.
Not to worry, there were more rounds after this, and more to come!
9 Aug
I went for a run for the first time in a really long while. |
Happy Birthday Joel!
"I'm up to here already." |
It was super last minute but we managed to surprise Joel for his birthday at Beans N Beans @ Uptown. And by last minute, I mean we made the group two days before for Ben's birthday and kicked Joel out that morning to plan for the night. Also, the group still exists and is named "joel 生日快乐 (w eng subs)".
Joseph, Elizabeth, Sam, Lu-Zhong and Prisca were playing Kleptopoly (yes, the boardgame inspired by the 1MDB scandal) so the rest of us decided to play in between by placing our bets on cups of water.
As with the normal in between card game, you have two cards that are dealt to you at the beginning of the round and you make a bet on whether or not the number of the third card will fall in between the numbers of those two cards.
But instead of playing with money, we placed bets on asking someone to drink cups of water. For example, Ashton will bet on Kenji to drink one cup of water if the number of his third card falls in between. If it does, Kenji will have to drink one cup of water; if it doesn't, Ashton will drink one cup of water; if the third card is the same as any of the two cards, Ashton drinks two cups. Also, the other additional rule we had was that none of us could use the toilet.
Needless to say, we were incredibly hydrated by the end of the night. And as Jun Jin's face shows in the second photo, we were pretty full.
Beans N Beans
107, Jalan SS 21/1a,
Damansara Utama,
47400 Petaling Jaya,
11 Aug
Publika Jazz Festival
Publika Jazz Festival
Cheeky Nandos (If you get it, you get it. If you don't, click here). |
Evelyn Feroza and Friends. |
Marc was playing for Evie for the Publika Jazz Festival and as usual, the whole gang (and more!) headed there together for the show.
Everyone was seated at the chairs on the left of Black Box, while I stood next to the stands in front of the stage to record videos.
One of the videos I recorded was of Evie introducing the band. She mentioned Marcus' name and as always, our friends went crazy. Funny thing is, when our screams slowly died down, I managed to catch someone next to me saying, "Give me your number!"
Here's the video:
For the record, I didn't do anything else other than just laugh to myself.
12 Aug
Fancy schmancy
Fancy schmancy
Can't believe I sat on the dining room floor for this photo, but I did. LOL. |
14 Aug
Getting back on track
Yet another unaligned photo. |
I revamped and reorganised my notice board the whole afternoon, after which I picked up the jumprope my mama bought for me.
As always, cleaning up my workspace helps clear my headspace. So I try to do this as regularly as I can, or whenever I really need to. Also, jump rope workouts are no joke, man.
But at the end of the day, I felt really accomplished and put together like a functional human being.
15 Aug
Table & Apron @ Damansara Kim
The day I met the true love of my life.
Sara brought Pris and I out for dinner and introduced us to this beautiful plate of fried chicken. Since then, I've caught myself dreaming about it countless of times. I have to say though, as good as this is and as much as I think about how glorious it tastes from day to day, I still crave for Ayam Goreng McD a lil' bit more than I do for this. Still, it's definitely worth the try!
Thus, Sara has officially joined the fried chicken club, co-chaired by Pris and I, and increased the number of members from two (Pris and I) to now, a strong three. Anyone care to make it a strong four?
Table & Apron
23, Jalan SS 20/11,
Damansara Kim,
47400 Petaling Jaya,
18 Aug
Truth be told, I really miss having a team to lead GENesis with.
It can get pretty tiring at times - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, when the average attendance of your cell members is between 18 to 25 weekly and you're the only leader for not just every once in a few weeks, but for almost three to four months.
I know, I know, leadership is not a journey that you go through alone. In fact, I do have a strong community of NextGen leaders to fall back on when I need to. But, there's something different about it, and I can't find the right words to describe it.
Thankfully, Ashton was back from the States for a while, so it really helped having an extra pair of hands around for a couple of weeks.
20 Aug
Having almost back-to-back papers due for a couple of weeks straight was tough. And this was my view for a good few weeks. Thus, making Ashton's presence incredibly timely and definitely needed.
21 Aug
Tengga Briyani @ Bandar Sri Damansara
"Eh come BSD eat coconut briyani la!"
And that's what I did.
The other two BSD boys, Ben and Kenji, along with Ashton, who was on his way back from a practice for the Child Aid Asia concert, also joined Mel and I later on.
After some pretty spot on coconut briyani, we headed for some fries and ice cream at McD, which for some reason tasted better than any of the other fries and ice creams that I've had at other McD outlets. Now, the BSD boys take pride in that, too.
Also, Marc wasn't around that night. So, the boys joked about how all of them took me out on a date in replacing him, altogether as a team.
Thank you, boys - for taking care of me, even though I'm pretty alright with being alone, but thank you, nonetheless.
PSA: Besides Marc and Kenji, the rest of the boys mentioned here are single and ready to mingle. Ladies, please form a single file line in an orderly manner and prepare your resumés. Remember to take a number at the counter and kindly wait for your turn. We've got a long line to go through, so it may take awhile. Thank you for your patience, have a nice day.
Tengga Briyani
1, Jalan Cempaka SD 12/1,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur,
28 Aug
Masterchef and Overcooked 2
Masterchef. |
When we get one star in Overcooked 2.. |
..and when we get three stars in Overcooked 2. |
Something about us and food.
Marc and I spent our entire afternoon watching episodes of Masterchef and then completing close to 10 levels of Overcooked 2, or as a few of us like to call it - premarital counselling.
I don't know if you've heard or seen of this game, but it really is all about communication and teamwork. Out of so many people I've had come over to play this game, 10/10 times all of us will end up screaming at each other to pick up the cooked rice, wash the plates and "yeet me some fish".
The three men in my life. |
Beans N Beans N Beans N Beans
Yes, we're at Beans N Beans again.
Lim, Bird, Marc and I decided to hang out and just chill that night. We spent so long playing Lepak and talking and laughing with each other that the shop had to come and tell us that they were closing.
And yes, we had a good time.
Don't be deceived by the looks on Lim's and Marc's faces. If you see the pile of yellow cards that I have next to my hand of blue cards, you'll understand why.
Also, hint hint.
29 Aug
Selamat Merdeka...
...from the acute angles, who are coincidentally very 1Malaysia.
Though, we do have a Singaporean and we're actually missing out on one more Malaysian (that's you, Leanne). Close enough.
I still remember how we went out during the break that we had in Philip's lecture to take this polaroid. This polaroid that I picked to keep is actually one of the last few shots that we took after we decided to switch from a different location after taking a few of them there.
Don't worry, we got back to class in time, or maybe about five minutes into the second half of the lecture.
And that's how you get a HD.
30 Aug
While figuring out how to describe these clouds, I went to Google 'types of clouds'.
It seems to me like they are most probably gravity wave clouds.
I went to read on a bit more and apparently, much like how "stones into the pond" produce ripples, these clouds are formed by the rise and fall of air columns or disturbances in the atmosphere, such as wind flow over mountain ranges and violent thunderstorms. How cool is that?!
Well, either I managed to understand a bit more about these clouds by speed-reading through seven different articles or I managed to make it seem like I understand what I'm talking about.
And that is also how to get a HD.
Models for Monash
Tammy being 120% attractive. |
I can't keep count of how many advertisements and handbooks of universities that I've personally seen that blow up a photo of a group of students being super happy on a patch of grass, whether or not it's of them holding some books and smiling about their studies, or if it's just them lying down on the grass while pointing up at the skies.
We wanted to try it ourselves and so Tammy, Deevya, Fatyn and I decided that we had to do it. I have to say though, it was pretty nice to just chill and eat around the field with them.
Maybe these expectations weren't so unrealistic after all.
On that note, I have 3 more MiMs to post before I end the year.
Will I make it? Will I exceed my own expectations by finally completing a writing plan? Or will I fail, yet again?
Stay tuned to find out.