"Are you here to buy the socks and badges and stuff," I asked a lady who was walking towards Koperasi. She smiled as I redirected her to the class where we were selling the things for the new batch of kids that are joining the big family.

And that's how I spent my New Year's Eve - in school.

"I don't know, does this look okay," I asked Bux after I finished drawing the design for the board. With a nod of approval, that started the decorating of the board for co-curriculum day.

I never thought I would have ended my year by spending my time at school.

Last year was a bad year for me, study wise. Considering the fact that I also had my major exam, I wouldn't say that I'm proud of my results, all of my results, but I would say I'm satisfied. And I never really did expect much. So. Yeah.

My lunch crew.

Everyone screaming at each other, laughing so loud (not to mention quite unglamly) that the whole canteen could hear us, ordering the super salty fried rice from the Malay store because we have no idea what else to eat, squirting milk out of the packet, singing songs out of tune and off-key, shaking the table so that no one could eat their yee mee in peace, complaining about how stupid the questions were for exam, having more and more inside jokes everyday, forgetting to pay the uncle for the drink, dealing with random substances left on the table, checking out rather cute juniors walking back to class, having more people join our crew every day.

That made my school life enjoyable, or less painful to say the least.

"We have about one more minute I think," Bux pointed at the clock on the computer screen while I was scrolling through my timeline and my newsfeed. I told her it was too early to countdown since we had another minute of the year left.

That's how I spent my New Year's Eve.

Taking stupid pictures with the webcam because we were bored out of our brains, messing around with the guitar and then having to realise that the clock turned 00:00 already. So it was 2013 already.

"That was it?"

Ha, worst countdown ever.

"Wow, it's 2013 already. Just like that," Bux sighs.

As we looked out the window, screaming "Happy New Year!" at motorcycles, lorries and cars that passed by, I glanced at her, taking in the fact that she has been my best friend for 15 years now. It's pretty amazing how much we've been through. We stay awake until ungodly hours of the morning just laughing, talking and basically falling asleep at 6 in the morning.

Not forgetting Iza who I've known since I was 5, our piano class days. She's the kind of friend whose name you can mention to your mum and she'll let you go for your event because well, it's your best friend. Every single of them have been placed in my place to listen to me rant bout stupid boys, crazy things, anything and everything.

And of course Shin Wei who I've gotten extremely comfortably close to for the past year since I've always needed to stay back a little later and I can count on her being there with me, desperately trying to find another table as a senior made a "tornado" with her water bottle.

Laughing so hard we had to stand up, miserably failing our Skype calls because we're never punctual, reblogging the same things from each other, clapping like retarded seals, having that soundless laughter whenever we're around each other.

Best friends.


I've learnt how to play other chords than G on guitar, I'm starting to have a change in my taste in music which I really am glad about, I sang a two-line solo for the Christmas musical, I've made so many new friends who really are blessings, learned about things that are important in life and most importantly how to seek God first and the rest will follow.

It's only the first week of 2013 and I'm already stressing over little things. But thank God I have amazing friends to help me when in doubt so I'll leave you with a quote from Daniel Dickman himself,

"Take one day at a time."

and have a wonderful year ahead.
