seventh ✿

It's been a week into 2014 and I know this is a bit late for a reflection about last year but hi.

Let's just say it was an up and down year. Very, very up and down. There are so many good memories to keep at heart, the ones that will make me wish I could turn back time to go back into that exact moment to re-experience the same kinda of happiness, and also of course the bad ones that I try hard not to think about but yet they still make me want to curl up into a ball and hide under my blanket until forever.

But through all of that, 2013 has shown light to the best people I'll ever know. And amidst the wonderful bunch people I've grown to know and love, I found my greatest blessing, one of which who I can proudly call my boyfriend, Marcus Leong.

2 months since that faithful day where he (finally) asked the important question. And to be honest, there are so many details leading up to that day, but let me just keep it real simple and say that that is the day where I thought my jaw and my cheekbones were definitely going to fall off my face from smiling so much. And even after all this time, I still find myself smiling as hard whenever I think about it, or about him. Just, him.

Ah, the butterflies from that day. How can I forget? The funny thing is, even right now at this very moment, the butterflies I get when I think of him is overwhelming, really. But I mean, considering the fact that we spend so much time together, it's kinda funny how I still get so nervous whenever he's around. And I still find myself shying away like a small girl quite often. I know, I know, rarely ever would people think of me as a shy person but man, I don't know, there's just something about this boy that I can't quite figure out. And I don't think I ever will.

"Scientists divide my body into systems,
but when you are in my presence,
it all becomes nervous."
— anonymous

He's seen the ugliest and the worst sides of me, but yet he still thinks I'm the best. He's someone I can depend on, someone who I have so much faith and trust in. He's always there when I need somebody, always there for the days where I feel like the whole world was against me. And I can gratefully say that he loves me for who I am and I can never thank him enough for that. Never ever will I forget to thank God everyday for making this amazing individual who is the best anyone can ever have.

When I'm in your arms, whether when we're watching a movie, having you listen to all the stupid comments I make, or when I can feel you smiling down on me after laughing about something, or when you hold me tight despite the fact that my tears are all over the place, falling asleep to the sound of your heartbeat, with you playing with my hair and telling me how you love the way it smells like, or even when I'm trying to poke your sides (hehe), I am content. I feel safe. It's as if nothing in this world could ever hurt me. I love how comfortable I am with you. It makes me feel like home. Whenever I'm around you, everything seems perfect. I find myself looking back at times and places when I'm with you quite a lot, because that is when I'm the happiest - with you.

It's been a great 2 months. I'm sorry we can't go out and celebrate it (school sucks!!) but remember that today is as special as any other day when we're together. And as always, you have been nothing less than a blessing. I absolutely cannot wait for many more months to come.

"Being in a relationship.
It isn’t about kissing, holding hands, the dates, and showing off. It isn’t a competition. It’s about being with someone who makes you happy in a way that no one else can. It’s about being with someone who you accepts your weirdness. It’s about being yourself around them and they can be their self around you."
